NAD Sirtuin

Slow Down the Aging Process

What if you could slow down the again process? Let’s break it down…

What if you could combat the normal effects of aging by maintaining a;
– healthy vascular system,
– healthy cholesterol level (already in the normal range),
– healthy mood?

You do want to stay healthy and happy for a longer period of your life, right?

Sounds like a no-brainer! 

BUT what if I told you this can only be yours if you reduce your caloric intake by 40-60%.

…Sounds miserable!

Scientists discovered that extreme caloric restriction extends people’s health.

This is the only method that has been shown to extend life. Experts didn’t know why, they just had evidence of the effect.

What happened next? Research continued, to understand why caloric restriction had the effects it does.

What did they discover?

Restricting calories was increasing the production and activity of proteins called SIRTUINS.

Take away sirtuins —> caloric restriction no longer had the benefits previously observed. 

As we age sirtuin production decreases.

They dug deeper to find sirtuin pathways are only activated if they are in the presence of NAD.

Increase NAD, sirtuin production goes up without calorie restriction AKA discomfort.

Do you want to reap the benefits of caloric restriction without the feeling restricted?!
…now you can!

What are the benefits of sirtuin production?

  • Healthy vascular system
  • Healthy cholesterol levels
  • Removal of cellular waste
  • Improved concentration, mood, motivation and energy
Biohacking NAD

How can I increase NAD?

Now that you’re caught up on the potential of slowin the aging process, let’s talk specifics.

A typical caloric restriction diet can increase sirtuin activity by 94%. This drastic approach runs the risk of nutrient deficiency and is not recommended without medical supervision.

Sirtuin activation requires the molecule NAD. My question was how do I activate NAD?

I was led to Protandim® NAD SynergizerTM, which was specifically formulated to target NAD, and has been shown to increase sirtuin activity by 100% in 24 hours, supporting increased health, focus, energy, mental clarity, and mood. I have yet to find any other activator with such results.

Will it Work for Me?

This article isn’t meant to cure, treat, diagnose or prevent any disease or condition. This is simply informational and part of a science that I believe in. Supplements are formulated to fill a deficit. This is not your typical supplement. Reserach shows that the activation of Protandim NAD activates pathways in our bodies. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns. 

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Slow Down Aging

The aging process is what we wish to slow, and now it may be possible. Evidence supports that as we age our bodily processes slow. Read now to learn how this can change.

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